Flax Farm
Produces a large range of amazing flax products that are created to help you experience the health benefits of an amazing ancient seed.
Good and Fit
Produces a range of healthful Flaxjacks that you can enjoy with your dog. And a few other products that will help the health of you and your dogs.
Flax for Poultry
Is a range of Flax Products designed to harness the benefits of Flax for the health of your flock
My chickens are purely a hobby. “Sedgwick Hens and Bantams” only came about cold-called by a directory and I decided to go along with their suggestion of having a free entry.
Eggs and young birds sometimes available
I occasionally have point-of-lay pullets, breeding trios and occasionally hatching eggs for sale to good fox-free homes, I am located near Horsham, West Sussex.
Wyandotte Bantams: Maintaining Traditional Varieties, Developing and Rare New Ones
For 30 years I’ve been having fun and frustrations developing my own strain(s) and colours of Wyandotte bantams. I have classic varieties bred with all the traditional characteristics of the breed. They are bred to the Poultry Club of Great Britain’s Wyandotte standards. I only show occasionally and my birds have been successful locally and at top shows. The new colours have be bred from top-quality birds and maintain the standards of traditional varieties.
Temperament Health & Vigour, a Priority
Looks come second. My first aim in breeding has to be health, fecundity, a nice easy-going nature and excellent layers of good sized eggs – size matters even in bantam eggs! Some strains lay eggs round the 13/4 – 2 ounce/55-60g mark. Spare cockerels make good eating but are at least six months before they are a worthwhile size so need hanging for a few days.
Putting the Spots into ‘Dots
During my projects into spots I quickly learnt it is not a simple subject. The varieties I have been developing and breeding fall into distinct types of spots but there is an overlap in patterns that shows both types.
- Mottled: white spots on black or other self eumelanin colour.
- Spangled: big black (or other colour) spot on silver or gold
- Millefleur: have white spots at the ends of feathers and behind it a teardrop spangle.
- Mottled white spots on birds which are solid coloured.
- Occasionally a Tolbunt: crops up. They have white spots over a laced pattern.
Varieties of Wyandottes bred
Partridge & Pencilled
- Gold, silver, citron, blue & chocolate
- Black, blue, dun, chocolate,
- Gold, red, dun, chocolate, silver, lemon, porcelain

Development of new colours means every year there are a few really unusual birds in gorgeous never-to-be-repeated colours. I often keep more of these than I should but sometimes have some of these special birds available.