Partridge and Silver Pencilled Wyandottes

“Pullet-breeder strain”

Partridge and Silver Pencilled Wyandotte Hens with a Blue Partridge Cockerel.
Partridge and Silver Pencilled Wyandotte Hens with a Blue Partridge Cockerel.

Males: colourful bright black-red jungle fowl pheasant colours

Females: are the prettiest of hens with delicate filigree of pencilled concentric laced markings over gold or silver background.

Partridge Wyandottes

Pair blue partridge WYandottes
Pair blue partridge WYandottes

Partridge Wyandottes in UK v USA

In the UK Partridge Wyandottes are very similar in colour to their wild red jungle fowl ancestor. In North America their partridges are what we call red partridge in the UK; yet again the Americans and English fail to agree!

Partridge Wyandotte Pair
Pair of UK/European Partridge Wyandottes
Partridge USA 1925
Partridge USA 1925 An old print of early Partridge Wyandottes



At Sedgwick and Other Things