History of the white laced black Wyandotte

There is a fabled white laced black Wyandotte, in the UK it possibly was bred in the Victorian era.  Undoubtedly it is some sort of birchen;  possibly a variation on the Silver Sussex but could easily have occurred spontaneously from the genetic mix in Wyandottes at the time around their creation.  They don’t seem to be being bred currently in the UK, though occasionally there are reports of them on the continent.   There are no photos I can find and only a few drawings. One woodcut that exists shows perfection, in both sexes, but was probably just wishful thinking.

White laced Black Wyandotte by van Gink, 1919
White laced black Wyandotte by van Gink, 1919 (http://www.brokenbooks.net/store/p89/Black_Spangled_Wyandottes_Giuk_1914_SOLD.html)

Possible breeding needed to recreate the variety

Logic would suggest that the variety was based on the birchen gene so gene which could have been present in early Wyandottes as spangled Hamburgs were used in the make up of the early laced.  It is quite possible birchen was in exhibition male lines of black Wyandottes, an early offshoot from silver laced.  Which other genes are involved Columbian or Db is unknown, but from my experience it is likely the pattern gene plays a role.

Real life prototype white laced black Wyandotte

My own breeding projects produced one of each sex one year.

Prototype white laced black Wyandotte cockerel


They came about from breeding Silver Spangled Hamburg into a line of prototype spangled Wyandottes, based on Eb ad carrying the pattern gene, DB, Co and Ml,  The type was awful but they were perky little birds and show the reality of something close to a white laced black Wyandotte in most respects. Birchen Wyandottes and silver necked birds are bred in other countries but the reality is the white laced black will never be as good as the woodcut!

Prototype white laced black Wyandotte
Prototype white laced black Wyandotte

 A fishy toy









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