Information Links

Some useful sites for poultry keeping, colour genetics and other information.


The Feathersite  Good illustrations of poultry breeds and colours – lots of nice ‘dotty pics – hope your Dutch is good!


Poultry breeding calculator.  See illustrations of your proposed crosses.

General Genetic & Breeding Information, sex-linked, blue genetics, colours

Poultry Genetics for the Nonprofessional.   Great for beginners to breeding

Grant Brereton’s Facebook genetics page

Keeping Chickens, breeding, genetics and so on

Hutt, Genetics of the Fowl A great read, Available online!

Flax for People, Dogs, Horses and Poultry

Flax is brilliant for people’s health all over. Flax Farm specialises in the best-tasting, freshest cold-pressed Flaxseed Oil and freshly cold-milled Ground Flaxseed. Flax is useful for cardiovascular health, digestion, and auto-immune conditions.  Flaxseed oil is anti-inflammatory and can be used beneficially for aches and pains, joints and is very helpful for skin conditions, the immune system and generally improving health as well as giving poultry a glossy shine to their plumage.

Flax linseed flaxseed oil for poultry

The Budwig Diet

The Budwig Diet in the UK for treatment of many diseases including arthritis, cancer, diabetes heart disease and digestive problems.

 Sedgwick Stuff

What is to become of the west wing of Sedgwick Park: pics of my garden in chaos

At Sedgwick and Other Things