Category Archives: Hens
Blue Millefleur and relations
Love Linseed, Fabulous Flax
Whether you know it as linseed or flax this is the most amazing food. Linseed is so rich in nutritional properties that it is probably the most prescribed and used food for therapeutic reasons. Flax Farm makes a number of tasty products from it as well as producing the best of cold-pressed linseed (flaxseed) oil, whole and ground linseed.
Keeping Chickens safe from foxes and other predators
Predator attacks can be prevented so I feel even sadder when I hear that someone’s chickens have all been killed by a fox and the children are distraught. So I am putting down my experience of how to keep birds safe in the hope it save the birds from the terror and families from the distress of a predator attack.
Know your enemy
Continue reading Keeping Chickens safe from foxes and other predators
Unusual Wyandotte Poultry Colours
2018 Mottled Wyandottes
Home bred Millefleur Bantams
Black-gold Millefleur Growers
2018 hatched in the UK, bred by Danny Stindt.
I have sexed them best I can but don’t know the strain and as they mature some may prove me wrong. These are the black ones that carry lavender.
Ditch parent birds
Porcelain Project Growers, Dutch connection, Lavenders
Lavender Millefleur Growers
2018 hatched in the UK, bred by Danny Stindt.
I have sexed them best I can but don’t know the strain and as they mature some may prove me wrong.
Parent Birds
Lavender carrying millies page
Making Mottled & Millefleur Wyandottes
Breeding mottled and Self Wyandottes from the same pen
Spangled Breeding 2017
The spangled are now breeding fairly true with quite a few even having yellow legs. There are few more willow and darker legs than I’d like but spangles and yellow legs are beginning to come together.
I am particularly impressed with their temperament. They are calm and friendly .