Partridge Wyandottes are a particularly beautiful variety. Silver pencilled is the silver version of partridge. Both colours also occur in a blue version. They are productive, excellent layers of good size eggs and make characterful pets.
I usually have spare hens, cockerels and point of lay pullets for sale. I keep several beautiful show quality standard colours and some new in development non-standard varieties. I am not a commercial breeder, it is just a hobby.
To find out what hens I have available for sale please call: 01403 268844. If you would like to hatch your own I also have hatching eggs for sale.
Trios, point of lay pullets and cockerels.
Partridge, Blue Partridge and Silver Pencilled Wyandotte Bantams
(originally bred from Geoff Parker’s strain)
Millefleur Wyandottes