
Barred tolbunt.
Barred tolbunt.

Smart Tolbunt Wyandottes

My tolbunt hens seem to get better with age; the hens often look better than the pullets.   The barred tolbunts look very smart.  Very bold black and white, it seems to work better than laced tolbunts.  Sometimes they have a bit of black spangled pattern about them which all helps to make this tolbunt a dramatic pattern.

Barred tobunt pattern
Barred tobunt pattern
One year old tolbunt hen
One year old tolbunt henTolbun


Partridge, Blue Partridge and Silver Pencilled for Sale

Partridge Wyandottes are a particularly beautiful variety. Silver pencilled is the silver version of partridge. Both colours also occur in a blue version.  They are productive, excellent layers of good size eggs and make characterful pets.

Blue Partridge Wyandottes
Blue Partridge Wyandottes

Continue reading Partridge, Blue Partridge and Silver Pencilled for Sale

At Sedgwick and Other Things